The People's Budget 2019

The People's Budget 2019

Submit and discuss your ideas here: To be considered to move onto the next stage all ideas must cost no more than £10,000, sit within the aims of the council, and be a deliverable project. Find out more at


Dog Poo Digester!

Bring back some "Frome Literary and Scientific Institution"

Tackle obesity in Frome


A swing for adults

Frome Sculpture

Hedgehog Rescue Centre

Graffiti Wall

Swimming outdoors.

Dog Warden

Youth Project

Micro hydro power generation (1-2KW) at Welshmill Weir

First step to clean air


Voice for the less represented members of Frome

Play equipment in Cheese Show area

Talking Bench

Rodden Meadow

Parkinsons information pack

A feasibility study

Recyling bins

Toilet Twinning

Victoria park play equipment

Open air swimming pool


Frome Bursary Fund

A Pre-School Breakfast Club for Children

join UK gov urban tree challenge fund

An outdoor gym

Vehicle Toll Points

Rewild frome

Litter Warden

Youth Project

Sandpit in Victoria Park

Dedicated enclosed dog park

Peddle powered trailer bike

Solar Lights in the park

Boules in Victoria Park

Village Green

Water refill point

Safer walking and cycling

Shuttle Bus for Frome

Wild about Trees

Splash pool

Frome Beach

An intergenerational project

Security Cameras at the top and bottom of Cuckoo Lane

Frome's Missing Links

Wheelchair play equipment

Community allotment

Community Chat Rickshaw

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