A water fountain so people can refill their bottles and reduce plastic – lots of places have them now, come on Frome!
Oops! To the points against :)
Vandalism I'm afraid. Surely a water point scheme in the shape of the current community toilet scheme would be a better use of resources?
Water fountains used to be everywhere, parks, schools, public buildings.
There were health reasons why water fountains disappeared, hello to vandalism and eventually eau non portable
To AU, "Hands; They’re America’s public enemy #1 in spreading germs. Contrary to popular belief, there is almost no risk of contracting a disease from most drinking fountains, as the spout is constantly being rinsed and therefore constantly being cleaned. However, on a traditional bubbler, parts touched by the hands are most likely to carry germs. The recessed spout coupled with the sensor-activated bottle fill solves this problem, keeping bacteria and virus risks out of the equation."
"vandalism"? SORTED! https://www.miw.co.uk/water-coolers/outdoor-drinking-fountains/endura-ii-tm-outdoor-tubular-bottle-filling-station-4420bfdb-2303.html
I live locally but I know that other councils have done this and had a lot of success. Fantastic idea! Check out this one in Winchester 👍https://twitter.com/WinchesterCity/status/1156569248170422273
My last point for the naysayers opposite, can we (UK) continue to drink around * "7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used each year"! SEVEN.SEVEN BILLION plastic bottles a year. * https://www.water.org.uk/news-item/national-refill-day/
Dear Simon, when I called the church around two years ago and asked Vicar Colin Aysbury, he told me, "the lead pipes would have to be replaced and that would be too expensive" I was a little taken back, as the vicar could not see the bigger beneficial picture for Frome, (his church in particular) and the curse of the plastic bottle.
Anybody seen these in London? 👍 https://www.onelessbottle.org/fountainfund/
Tackling the iniquity of bottled water is a powerful environmental gesture. I have been checking out the possibility of providing a hygienic tap alongside the St Aldelm's Well below St John's church (opposite the Strada cafe), which might be feasible for a relatively small cost
Forgot to mention, even our dogs get to benefit from the water fountain, as it has a floor-level pet fountain integrated into the fountain! https://www.miw.co.uk/water-coolers/outdoor-drinking-fountains/endura-ii-tm-outdoor-tubular-bottle-filling-station-4420bfdb-2303.html
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