Glebe Pavilion Development

Glebe Pavilion Development

North Carrick Community Sport Hub is aiming to redevelop the Somerville Pavilion at Glebe Park, Maybole. The building is currently in a poor condition and requires significant improvement. As a result, the facility is under used and inadequate for many of the local sports teams. The proposed developments would aim to renovate and expand the building to allow for both male and female changing facilities and would make Glebe Park more accessible and suitable to all within the local area.


It is widely recognised that there is a lack of sporting facilities in the North Carrick area. By redeveloping and improving existing facilities North Carrick Community Sport Hub believe that this will help to improve sporting provision for the local community. The Somerville Pavilion is a prime example of a facility within the local area which requires significant improvement. This is a facility will help to promote sport and physical acitivity to children and young people

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