Don't stop providing hearing aids on the NHS

Don't stop providing hearing aids on the NHS

Proposals have been made in North Staffordshire to stop providing hearing aids for people with mild to moderate hearing loss (i.e. most people with hearing loss) - 37,000 people in this area. Without hearing aids, these people are likely to have difficulty following conversations against even a low level of background noise, leaving them unable to communicate in their jobs or with friends and family or doctors. See


I have worked for about 45 years. For at least 30 years of that time I needed hearing aids to be able to perform my job effectively. My hearing loss was described as moderate (about 50% loss in a defined frequency band) and is likely to have been progressive from infancy onwards. The cost to society of cutting hearing aids would be enormously higher, and the loss of life quality, health and wellbeing would very likely increase overall health and social costs

Most people's hearing deteriorates as they get older - 71% of over 70 year olds have hearing loss. The research shows that hearing aids improve quality of life and keep people connected - and that people do better with hearing aids if fitted early when they have mild or moderate hearing loss. They can then stay active members of our community, rather than being sidelined and isolated as they age. Research shows that without hearing aids, hearing loss leads to isolation, depression and dementia.

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