A reinvigoration of civil society

A reinvigoration of civil society

A reinvigorated civil society will provide opportunities for all individuals to connect with their communities, and not only have a stake in outcomes, but also a voice and the power to contribute.


A reinvigorated civil society will provide opportunities for all individuals to connect with their communities, and not only have a stake in outcomes, but also a voice and the power to contribute.

Food. It has brought people together since . . . for ever, unless it is scarce, then it is fought over as a resource for survival, or better yet share it. In highly technological civilization we have come to rely on intense modes of food production. In order to feed everyone, we rely on few, with the help of technologies, knowledge and bio-engineered crops for mass production. So for the ordinary, non-farming citizen, there is no need own such technology or knowledge for the production of food in order to survive, so why would we. Well, there are other worth while benefits that come from having a hand in the food production of your community and yourself. I have just given you a hint, it is community. Engaging in the production of food for not only yourself but also for others means you are worth more to your community than if you were simply to earn a wage that day, of which most of your work done is translated into profit for the owner of your workplace, not your community. This is how, I believe, work done in a community garden is more fair than a wage, for the work you put into a garden is equal to the amount you get out. Of which is not simply produce as food, but also social relations with your neighborhood, self gratification and gratification from others. The best part is that all you need to grow at least one plant is a pot and some dirt!

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