Introduce 'free' and clean energy from the vacuum (EFTV)

Introduce 'free' and clean energy from the vacuum (EFTV)

Energy from the vacuum (EFTV) allows us to get away from power grids and pipelines that are fragile and easily attacked. One generating unit can supply several houses with all the energy they need with low initial costs to purchase equipment. No pollution. No shipments by sea. No long distance distribution that requires lots of equipment. Google 'Energy from the vacuum' to find out more. Several technologies were prevented from making it to the marketplace. It definitely exists and is ready.


Energy from the vacuum (EFTV) allows us to get away from power grids and pipelines that are fragile and easily attacked. One generating unit can supply several houses with all the energy they need with low initial costs to purchase equipment. No pollution. No shipments by sea. No long distance distribution that requires lots of equipment. Google 'Energy from the vacuum' to find out more. Several technologies were prevented from making it to the marketplace. It definitely exists and is ready.

U.S. Navy, General Electric and Stanford University used free energy systems in the 1930s. Suppression of free energy technologies violates Article 1, sec. 8 clause [8] of the U.S. Constitution which mandates the progress of science by disclosure of discoveries after a limited term. People are petitioning congress to use proven free energy systems that are used by the military, funded by tax payers and illegally suppressed. The Magnetic Wankel Engine (Takahashi Motor) has been prevented from going to market for decades. The Kawai overunity magnetic motor can be built exactly from what's stated in the Patents using high-speed switching. Teruo Kawai held nothing back in the patents. National Science Foundation letter to Tom Bearden states, “There is a uniform support for your out of the box thinking about conventional models and mathematical approaches.” —September, 2005. We must conclude that this technology is ready to roll. Note: Energy from the Vacuum is NOT zero point energy. The latter is an observable state, and energy from the vacuum is non-observable.

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