Establish a Vision for Society (Mutual Fulfillment, Evolve)

Establish a Vision for Society (Mutual Fulfillment, Evolve)

Governments since the 1970's have not explained what we are working towards as a society, and the ways in which we can contribute to a future we can be excited about. We just work towards 'something' individually, or for the good of the family, rather than towards the greater social good. Proposing a vision for society is the basis of leadership. There is a leadership vacuum that has been filled through social movements, or that will naturally be filled soon when we stop waiting for leaders.


Governments since the 1970's have not explained what we are working towards as a society, and the ways in which we can contribute to a future we can be excited about. We just work towards 'something' individually, or for the good of the family, rather than towards the greater social good. Proposing a vision for society is the basis of leadership. There is a leadership vacuum that has been filled through social movements, or that will naturally be filled soon when we stop waiting for leaders.

The `Social Creator network` has looked at re-designing society so that everyone can contribute, benefit and succeed, since 2007. Which national or municipal government has offered that? The first thing needed to engage people in contributing to a society we want is development of a vision we can all agree on. At the neighbourhood level, we already have the power and influence to work towards a vision. Get the neighbours over for a bite and a tea. Get talking about what you`d like to see happening around your neighbourhood. That leads to you to your vision for the neighbourhood. This could become the first major step in terms of job creation by neighbours for neighbours. It becomes your way of producing a great, self-sustaining, and imaginative neighbourhood. `Social Creator network` coined specific terms to define two significant aspects of exchange and production occurring under the umberella term, creative economy. These are the economy of mutual fulfillment, and the healing economy of conscious evolution. More work is now being done on objectives, strategies and event production methods for these aspects of the creative economy. For a detailed update see the blog entry for December 2011. The introduction of in late 2011 has fortunately provided much of what's required in terms of on-line support for our collaborations.

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