Young Somerset want to hold an exciting skate boarding event at the Cheese and Grain carpark to launch the Frome Skate Park Development Fundraising Campaign. It will be an inclusive event for everyone in Frome to either take part in, or watch and be inspired by the skills and dedication of its young people. It will showcase the town’s talented skaters, and highlight how skating has a positive impact not just on those that participate in the sport directly, but for the wider community.
Great proposal
Definitely needed.
Young People in our town need a better and a new skate park. Its so good for mental and physical health, crime prevention, community and sport . Our young people need our support!!!!
Frome’s skateparks over the years have regressed and declined in size.For a rapid growing town voted “best” place to live this is an abomination to the youth of frome.A large concrete park would require little to no maintenance and benefit everyone. Keeping youth healthy and active whilst simultaneously keeping antisocial behaviour numbers down. We only have to look and neighbouring county’s towns and villages skate parks.Local middle class organisations lining pockets with available grant money
If you dont your odd
Frome’s skateparks over the years have regressed and declined in size.For a rapid growing town voted “best” place to live this is an abomination to the youth of frome.A large concrete park would require little to no maintenance and benefit everyone. Keeping youth healthy and active whilst simultaneously keeping antisocial behaviour numbers down. We only have to look and neighbouring county’s towns and villages skate parks.Local middle class organisations lining pockets with available grant money
frome needs a new skatepark it’ll bring the community together and give the kids something to do
A new skatepark has been well needed for years now
great idea helps younger people get into skating
The Skate Park needs to be improved for increased safety for everyone who uses it as the equipment is very old.
ahmad shmegegg
great idea:))
Love this! New skate park is very much needed.
The current skatepark is outdated and degraded, with poor original design.
loooove tthhiiiissssss !!!!!
Would be so sick
We need it🙏
Frome needs a skatepark.
Come on, so needed
wow such a cool idea u have my full backing for this event
For a town of this size and stature, and with so many young families, the current skatepark is woefully inadequate. Fair to say it abysmal. A decent, well built skatepark can empower generations of people. There is plenty of research to back this up (check out the Tony Hawk Foundation for starters). A town like Frome could have a world class skatepark. Dream big! Make something great that will be ridden and skated for decades and visited from afar.
I'm not a skateboarder, but the kids of Frome need some serious improvements to the skatepark. It's widely used by huge sections of Frome's youth (and older I should add) and has untold health and social benefits. Absolutely has to be this, and the other two suggestions are just plain daft.
A new skatepark would be such a fantastic idea! Current park needs updating and improving as many Frome skaters currently travel to neighbouring towns and cities for better facilities. Skating is so good for mental as well as physical health. Bring it on!❤
Great idea
fab idea by young people for young people
Frome is indeed long over due a decent concrete park designed and built by a proper skate park construction company. The current concrete ones are not fit for use, and the existing metal framed ''W'' ramp could be moved to one of the new housing estates being plastered across fields of Frome.
This has been a dreadfully restrictive couple of years for young people in this town and improved skatepark facilities would provide a free, safe, healthy and active outlet for youthful exuberance and the development of positive social interaction
A new skatepark would be such a good idea as the current one is in need of upgrading and investment. Many of the Frome skaters travel to neighbouring towns and cities due to better facilities. Would be great to have a skatepark in our town that would be well used and enjoyed by all. ❤
This will be good for the youth of frome to get them into something productive.
Yes Every town around now has great skateparks and the people of Frome should also benefit from a new one It would attract more people into the town rather than pushing them away to skate better parks Frome deserves the best park around as it’s such an iconic and trendy town now
Having visited many new skate parks throughout the country over the last few years I can honestly say they are a complete joy to behold. The skill on show from children of all ages and all backgrounds is great to see, and families travel from far and wide to visit them. They are also brilliant for the mental and physical health of our children, it's 'their' place to hang out, especially after all they have endured over this past year.
What a fantastic idea. What makes this particularly compelling is that it’s an idea and bid from young people in our town. It’s healthy, inclusive and brilliant fun.
A new and better skatepark will be a magnet for kids. It will make them healthier and more focussed on being outdoors rather than on their computers or phones.
Fantastic idea!!
A new skatepark would be a long term lasting investment in Frome’s young people. I really hope people support this after the past year and the impact on children and young people. It would bring so many physical, social and mental benefits which would ripple beyond those using the park. Fingers crossed they can hold their launch event and feel that people in the town are behind their initiative. Great little film
so cool would love to bring two children to watch the skateboarding. they have been trying to learn so would be nice for them to see some pro skaters
this would be great for the community great idea
Frome’s skateparks over the years have regressed and declined in size.For a rapid growing town voted “best” place to live this is an abomination to the youth of frome.A large concrete park would require little to no maintenance and benefit everyone. Keeping youth healthy and active whilst simultaneously keeping antisocial behaviour numbers down. We only have to look and neighbouring county’s towns and villages skate parks.Local middle class organisations lining pockets with available grant money
Brilliant idea, this would be so good for the young people in frome.
it would be very beneficial, as the park is commonly very crowded. ive seen a lot of people hit faults in the ramps and hurt themselves in the past few months and itd be positive for the skate community in frome to grow and blossom :)
A skatepark could hugely benefit the youth in terms of mental health aspects as it get them doing physical activities.
You wont find a better community of helpful and hands on people than skateboarders. Which is why frome needs a new skatepark to culture the huge community of skateboarders already in frome.
What a positive way to channel young people's efforts; a great idea!
About time Frome had an upgrade. A decent skate park will bring people to Frome to spend money in our community Let's get this fundraising event and get the ball rolling 👍🏻
This is an incredible idea as itll give young people a way to let off steam and learn new skills. It will also bring in more people to frome which will help the local economy
This is such a great idea for our locals as well as tourism from other areas of Somerset. The current state of the skatepark is very damaged with cracks and damage to the copings that could possibly lead to injury’s the amount of people that skate there on a daily basis is much to large for such a small area not including Holidays and weekends. I say young people in our community should have a vote for this.
Love this. Perfect idea. Keeps kids busy and fit and is a challenging Olympic sport
When the complaints roll out about ‘there’s nothing for teenagers in Frome’, listen to what they ask for!!! They spend hours and hours in these parks! Let’s give them something amazing, they’re worth it! It would be so cool for Frome. Jumpers for goalposts! Let’s help the kids be kids and give them something brilliant!!! They don’t want tennis!!!! Sorry....
Positive thing for young people
This would be great for alot of the community , it engages a active lifestyle in all age groups and with children being distracted by being active gets them out of trouble in the streets , this is perfect for the frome community
Yes!! Amazing idea. Would be a huge asset to Frome!
The skatepark sounds like a great idea! After last year lets go enjoy some fresh air.
A skatepark would be amazing for frome. Put frome on the skate map
Skate parks are always a worthwhile investment for a community which cares for their young people- the space for kids to engage in healthy social interaction, be active and outside, and feel like they belong in a community is so important for their development. There has been a huge problem in recent decades with criminalising our young people and excluding them from spaces, which leads to fractured communities and generational divides- I say investing in a skate park in Frome is a great idea!
It’s a good idea and needs to be updated
This is a brilliant idea and so needed in Frome. The benefits for the physical and mental health of those using it would be enormous.
Frome skatepark is great for the local community, like other towns it brings youth together and helps positive socializing. although small revamps have been made over the years to the facility it would benefit a more modern update (concrete) like other nearby towns like melksham and more recently in the making chippenham. 😀
A great project that is really needed as present park is really well used but does not have enough capacity for the young people wanted to use it. Great fun, appreciating the outdoors and a great physical activity - what more could you want.
great idea for boys and girls
Great for the all people of the town! A social sporting area is much needed to promote physical and mental well-being!
This is great idea, there are talented and 'just starting out 'girl and boy skaters who would benefit from a new skate park later on. This event would serve to encourage more children young people to start skating - girls and boys. Would give the fundraising that is needed to develop a new skatepark a real push .
this project would benefit girls and boys, young and old. It will bring people together from all backgrounds creating a healthy community. Young people will go outside more wich would get them of their mobile phones.
Incredibly worthwhile project for girls and boys, young and old. An outdoor space for everyone to get some fresh air, exercise and have some FUN!!!
such a good idea everyone can get involved weather thats boys or girls or old or young
Having more out side permanent sporting “venues” is a great idea, why not add a table tennis outdoor table on site as well.
There’s lots of skaters in frome and there’s not enough space for all of us.
My 9 year old son has been skatesboarding at Frome park since he was 6. The older skaters have always been super patient, friendly and accommodating to his slow and encompassing beginnings. However, it would be great to have a skate park that would accommodate all abilities without each level feeling frustrated. It really is a great place for kids to hang out and make friends. All for it!
cool idea i know my kids would love this
great idea for everyone my daughter skates at frome skatepark and says she loves it and everyone helps her this has got my vote
This park needs improvement as it is dangerous
bring back varials
such a good idea
If you go to the skate park and speak to some of the kids you’ll notice that actually a number of them are high risk and could potentially get into trouble if they didn’t have an outlet like BMX or skating. However, there’s only so much stimulation that the current park can provide which is making it a less attractive option for those kids who could benefit from it.
A fundraising campaign for the development of Frome’s skate park facilities shows the positive & pro active nature of these young skaters. The park at Mary Bailey though used by many is surprisingly inferior when compared to other nearby towns of a lesser population. If it takes fundraising to start the ball rolling and encourage council investment & community contribution then I’m all for it.
This is fantastic and long overdue. The skatepark needs a complete rebuild, it is well used by a fantastic group of people. Compared to other local towns our skate park is substandard the young people of Frome need better facilities. Skating is inclusive, good for both physical fitness and mental health. The skater community in Frome have shown how inclusive and supportive they are and deserve funding to create a skate park that is safe and fit for purpose.
A new skatepark is great idea. I walk past the park almost every day and am always impressed by the how good the skaters are. The park does seem to be male dominated. Perhaps there could be girls only sessions with no boys.
I think any "inclusive event for everyone in Frome to either take part in, or watch and be inspired by the skills and dedication of its young people" can only be a good thing. There are also some excellent points supporting a skate park (which I'm sure would be loved by loads of young people). As is always the case, it's important to ensure any new development / addition / play space takes into consideration the wants and needs of all young people of all genders and age in the area
Fantastic idea, we so need a new park that the town will get so much from :-)
Skate Parks bring a collective of people together than don't always engage in general team sports, yet can be a place that builds strong friendships. Its also a place when multiple generations can mingle.
Do it !!! Frome is such a big town with such a small skatepark. It's too dense.
On average I go to the skatepark 4 times a week sometimes more and not once have I heard or seen a male skateboarder, bmxer or scooter rider hassle a female off the ramps. But have heard plenty of male participants talk about how more females should get involved
I think it will benefit a lot of young people, there will be more room for everyone and it will be less dangerous
This would help not just the young Frome community but even Frome in general with more popularity as a whole 👍🏼
great idea love ittttt
really looking forward for this event to happen
wooooow love the video i know my daughters will love this
so hyped !!!!!
Frome needs a new skatepark. I believe it will be very good for the community of Frome . Young adults need a focus and this is a great way for them to focus there are energy in a positive and passionate way.
Our young people need to believe we care about their needs today and in the future. This project will have many many benefits and is value for money in every way.
Sounds like a great idea. The town could definitely do with a better skate park and the event would be a great way to launch the project and show the talents of those involved.
this video shows the diversity of people that come to the skate park in a day
Great idea my teenage daughter is a big skateboarder, it would have been great to see girls in the video. Can it be well lit as she often skateboards early at dawn to avoid the crowds (boys 😬)
A brand new skatepark for Frome really is a wise move! It's no secret that Frome is growing at an alarming rate, new families bring more commerce to Frome and likewise a need for spaces and parks to accommodate a healthier lifestyle. Because of this rapid growth, our current park has grown small this not only makes it dangerous with so many sharing a smaller space but pushes users of the park back into the town center in search of other places to skate.
Sounds perfect - what a great way for old and young to work together? Ventures like this positively support young people which in turn changes the negative narratives we sometimes hear. Young people depend on adult support to activate positive changes and improvements to their communities. This sounds like a great opportunity. Outdoors, Social interactions, Exercise, New ventures, doing something for others - sounds like it satisfies all 5 routes to wellbeing 😘
What a fab idea! Definitely something that will bring a lot of fun, positivity and laughter :)
Yes please! What an awesome idea. Young people need more safe places to go! In my experience skate parks bring people together, very sociable. Also encouragees fitness while learnering new skills!!
skate parks bring people from all areas together, occupies the youth and increases customers for independent businesses, class idea!
Absolutely behind this, what a great idea! Things like this bring the whole community together :)
What a great idea and one that really needs to be supported. Skating is such a positive activity for many young people in the town and should be supported better.
skateparks are great places for young people to stay healthy, express themselves, avoid negative behaviours, and meet new people and friends. A new skatepark would bring all of these benefits to a younger generation, as well as attract others from around the country. skateparks are incredibly important to the community, and the current park is not able to provide the necessary space for the hundreds of people that go there regularly.😼
Great for bringing young people together and connecting the community. A good skatepark will also encourage people from other areas to visit frome
Great idea, for such a forward thinking town Frome has one of the most outdated skateboard parks
A new skatepark would be brilliant for the local businesses in frome as visitors will boost the local economy. Local businesses such as retail and hospitality could hugely benefit from the build of a new skatepark which is especially great after the devastating effects the pandemic has had on these businesses over the past year! Another reason why the skatepark is a fantastic idea is because of skateboardings debut appearance in the Olympics in 2022! A new park will help athletes progress furth
All the people in the clip are boys. so it doesn't look like an inclusive event.
This is an incredibly expensive event considering that it is only for one day. For that money, the park could install a full set of swings for teenagers AND have a consultation about what facilities other than a skate park people might want. Also, it is very unlikely that the local community will benefit financially. Teenage boys are not notoriously wealthy, and the town is not big enough to sustain a skate shop - they tend to be situated in places four or five times the size of Frome.
I think any "inclusive event for everyone in Frome to either take part in, or watch and be inspired by the skills and dedication of its young people" can only be a good thing. There are also some excellent points supporting a skate park (which I'm sure would be loved by loads of young people). As is always the case, it's important to ensure any new development / addition / play space takes into consideration the wants and needs of all young people of all genders and age in the area.
Great video, great voiceovers, some familiar faces and some mad skills on display there. 😀Well done! I would fall flat on my face if I even tried to stand on a board. However every single young person skating and speaking is male. I see girls sitting on the benches or standing at the side. Where are the female skaters? A new skate park would be amazing for those who would use it, but as the mum of a teenage girl, we need to provide inclusive play environments for all young people.
For every single comment on the other side which says 'kids' or 'young people', you can read 'boys'. The girls are skating in the Cheese and Grain car park because the boys hassle them off the skate park. This is a lot of money to spend on something which is 85% used by boys when the Town Council has spent nothing on facilities which girls even use equally.
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