Prioritise the completion & regular reviews to the new European Security Strategy

Prioritise the completion & regular reviews to the new European Security Strategy

The European Security Strategy (2003) is greatly outdated. A new, modified strategy should be articulated highlighting the new threats to the EU. As threats in the international system change, the Council should amend the strategy accordingly each year. The strategy should focus attention to transnational security challenges, especially cyber security, that the EU is well positioned to tackle and enhance EU cooperation with NATO to ensure a secure Europe.


This proposal materialised from the discussions in the second EU as a Global Actor Roundtable at the Conference on the Redefinition of the European Mission.

The idea is good and I'm convinced that it'll be more efficient to work at the EU level than at the national level. The problem I can see however is the compatibility of such an idea concerning the area of security, because this competence is quite an exception. The CFSP is based on an intergovernmental decision-making model and stays national concerned. I'm in favor of the idea itself and of consensus about cyber security but I'm not that convinced it could be realized

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