Pedestrianising the Town centre

Pedestrianising the Town centre

Creating outside dining areas, town squares, speakers corners, green areas, chill out zones, music zones but mainly no traffic.


The traffic pressure on Seaside Rd and the seafront would be increased.

This has been succesfully achieved in many other towns

The project would also ensure much cleaner air in the town centre, which not only helps improve public health but also creates resilience in the face of future pandemics, as research shows that there is a close correlation between death-rates from COVID19 and areas with poor air quality.

What's striking is the need to undertake a solar study to identify areas of maximum sunlight, and those which are shaded. All the research shows the former is well used (even when not provided with street furniture and artefacts, in temperate climates. Conversely shady areas far less so despite the provision of amenities. See: I can lend anyone my copy if you want.

One slight quibble: pedestrianised areas should be integrated with a safe cycle infrastructure so that cyclists can access those pedestrianised areas easily rather than having to risk life and limb on the very polluted, busy, narrow and congested ring road system.

For the Eastbourne Plan consultation I raised this point with respect eg the Bolton Road area near the Curzon. I was imagining the Curzon transformed into an arts and music and cultural centre (community interest asset). A speakers corner area and a performing arts area like Covent Garden. Street cafes. So good. Let's do it.

This project would enhance the shopping experience in the town, making it not only about shopping but making it a destination experience, a day out with the family, using all the local small shops and perhaps finishing with a trip to the cinema or the theatre making it a special day rather than a trudge around the shops.

Would give an incentive and space for creating green spaces in the town centre with trees, flower beds etc. Not just the roundabouts.

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