The band strives to maintain and develop local interest in music by encouraging students to play at their best through preparing for and competing in competitions. Attending competitions has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of band members and therefore encourages others in the community to join. We would like financial assistance to attend the Mid Argyll Music Festival in March 2019. For many young players going to the MAMF is their first trip to the mainland without Mum and Dad.
The MAMF is the highlight of the year for band members and a focus for their practice sessions and rehearsals. Parents contribute to the costs of travel and accommodation for their child however without some outside financial assistance many members would not be able to attend.
This is a great opportunity for the Islay children to travel to and participate in the Mid Argyll Music Festival. Because of their geographical location, opportunities to expand their musical horizons outwith their normal day to day music are rare. Let's help them get there!
Voting for Islay
self confidence, doing something they enjoy, mixing with like minded people, giving pleasure to others ,music is something which brings people together, whether it is brass, classic, ceilidh, cajun or pop, it acts like a magnet. All the best to the youngsters
Opportunities for young people to be involved in music making should always be encouraged, regardless of locality.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation