Establish new horizons for our economy

Establish new horizons for our economy

As we have always done in the past, we will create new openings for our country – new industries, new markets, new connections, new skills, new opportunities. We will provide the young people of Malta and Gozo with a wide range of possibilities to allow them to attain their full potential: a) We will create 30,000 new quality jobs. b) Strengthen and give added impetus to the new sectors we created during previous legislatures, such as financial services, gaming, aviation, pharmaceuticals etc.


a) Noħolqu 30,000 impjieg ġdid ta’ kwalità. b) Insaħħu u nagħtu enerġija ġdida lis-setturi ġodda li kkreajna f’amministrazzjonijiet passati, bħalma huma s-servizzi finanzjarji, il-gaming, l-avjazzjoni, ilfarmaċewtika, ix-xjenzi tal-ħajja, ilmanifattura avvanzata u l-loġistika. ċ) Nattiraw setturi ġodda lejn pajjiżna li jiftħu opportunitajiet għaż-żagħżagħ tagħna: il-Fintech, Digital Media, l-isport, Internet of Things, blockchain u crowdfunding, u nesploraw ukoll oħrajn bħal robotics, genomics,

c) We will attract new sectors to our country, opening up new possibilities: Fintech, digital media, sport, the Internet of Things (IOT), blockchain and crowdfunding, and explore others sectors such as robotics, genomics, biotech and cybersecurity.

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