EXCESSIVE NOISE for commercial or industrial activity in residential areas should be ILLEGAL. My Tuesday mornings are a nightmare, being woken up by the pathetic and relentless horn blowing of the GAS TRUCK trying to sell gas to the neighbourhood all year round.
same here
just to ask meta nghidu sound pollution, inkunu qeddin insemmu ukoll ghad daq tal qniepel u hsejjes tal murtali? ma nahsieb li tkun fair fuq id dellettant tal festi meta nafu li din ijja parti mil kultura ta malta u hemm sajf shieh mimli festi
I would like to see warnings of fines for people who change their standard silencer on their car or bike for a noisy one. This country is noisy enough as it is.
The sound should be reduced either by volume or frequency... Or made at freaking night like 8pm, any who objects against late shift needs to grow up with night shift phobia we have in Malta
Isaac Zammit, il-punt tiegħi hu rigward attività kummerċjali jew industrijali li ssir is-sena kollha b' detriment għas saħħa f'ambjent residenzjali. Li titlef mill-mistrieħ minħabba ħsejjes eċċessivi huwa detriment għas-saħħa. Jekk tistaqsi lili, iva l-bombi tal-festi nikkunsidrahom ukoll bħala noise pollution. Iżda dan imur oltre mil-punt oriġinali tiegħi, ma mmorrux immissu l-kultura ta' xi ħadd, u niddevjaw mill-ħsieb oriġinali.
Strict National standards for noise emissions must be introduced for all heavy equipment. Restrictions should also be placed on the use of chasers and similar equipment in residential areas. Most important of all, is enforcement. Adequate resources must ge allocated to an organization that quickly reacts to reports of noise pollution as well as emissions.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation