Nies li jbatu bil-kundizzjoni tal-Fibromyalgia

Nies li jbatu bil-kundizzjoni tal-Fibromyalgia

Kienet imbdiet klinika ghall-fibromyalgia gewwa l-poliklinika tal-Furjana. Din bdiet, izda bil-mod, li-mod bdiet tmajna. Ghandna bzonn konsulenti u professjonisti aggornati u kwalifikati fuq din li-kundizzjoni li jilhqu Iill-pazjenti kollha. Gewwa Londra jezistu dawn il-klinici biex naraw kif jiffunzjonaw izda difficli biex tmur tikkura ruhek hemm ghax trid ammonti kbar ta' flus, meta f'pajjizna nistghu noholqu dawn il-Klinici. Nissugerrixxi li jsir xi haga ghax hawn hafna li mhux jigu milhuqa.


Dear User, your idea to assist fibromyalgia sufferers has been included in Forza Nazzjonali's health proposals! Check out the proposal by following the link

I support this idea because there are lots of citizens who has this invisible illness and they suffer in silence. These citizens continue to give their input in the world of work, help in society, keep caring for their kids and strive to supply the best to their families, therefore the government should help them and support them to continue to ease or aid their living a longer life for the wealth of their families and the country.

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