Mid Calder Local Place Plan 2024

Mid Calder Local Place Plan 2024

Communities are invited to submit a Local Place Plan. Mid Calder Community Council are looking for residents to share ideas and sugegstions to put forward to West Lothain Council, as part of the National Planning Framework for Scotland. For more info: https://bit.ly/MidCalder2024



Upkeep of Sommers Park - Upgrade orchards

Main rd on western side of the village

Youth club or drop in centre

Mid Calder Heritage

Connect Mid Calder to the national cycling route 75

Primary School drop off

Donut cafe - A safe space for the donut business folk

In the village


Traffic management - coming into the village

Plant and allow wildflower meadows

Sports Facility

School field

more bird boxes in the woods


Mobile services bay opposite Cunnigar House

Combfoot footpath

Protecting wildlife and natural habitats

Traffic cameras

No housing developments on field

Warm Hubs

Pedestrian crossings in the village centre

Extend 30mph zone on Calder Park Road

Improve access path & environment around Calder House pond

Child and youth provisions for children at Livi end

Larger car park

Setting up a Hertiage, Community and Nature Trust

Restore and maintain Mid Calder historical buildings

Water Butts

Utilise the Old school for community use

Keep the greenbarrier and protect wildlife

A pump track

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